June 1999. Another High School age recreational baseball season is nearing conclusion. It was just Troy and Collinsville teams in those days. We did not like each other very much. To add fuel to the fire, another Collinsville coach, and I, decided it would be cool to have some sort of a "bragging rights game". The plans for the "1st Annual All-Star Game" were born from our discussions under a shade tree behind Field 6 in Collinsville. We actually came up with a very good game plan. With about 7, or 8 teams between, we came up with a plan that would allow at least 20 players on each team. We batted the roster with free substitutions. The most important rule was limiting pitchers to just 3 outs for the game. We decided to take turns hosting this game. Because Collinsville came up with the plan, we hosted the first game, on field 6. Collinsville was victorious in the 1999 inaugural game. However, Troy holds the overall advantage, as Coach James Long is quick to remind me. Teams from 9 or 10 towns will be sending players to participate in our 19th Annual All-Star Game on Saturday, June 24th, 2017. Events will take place over the entire weekend. Friday night, all day Saturday and finally end on Sunday afternoon with our "1st Annual Alumni Game".